“The Takeover” – Film by Digifé | Score by Zo!

In the summer of 2017 while in California hosting screenings for our recently completed documentary (Making SkyBreak) on the creation of my album, SkyBreakDigifé (then Digital Café) approached me about a brand new project they had just been commissioned by Northwestern University to do… They wanted to know if I would be willing to score it. To be honest, I don’t even remember if I even knew what the doc was gonna be about when I first interrupted Donnie Seals (of Digifé) to blurt out, “Maaaaan, HELL yeah!!” Fast forward to Sept 2018, here we are with a helluva finished product that I’m super proud to be a part of.

“What was most impressive was the speed and depth this dude works. One day he’d send some funk that sounded like James Brown, the next day epic music like John Williams.”   Donnie Seals of Digifé

The Takeover (2018)
Film by Digifé
Score by Zo!
Watch The Takeover HERE


Check the film’s OFFICIAL trailer…